"While I always hoped I would have the family and marriage I have today, I didn't think it was possible for me, or that I deserved it. Had I not gone to New Haven, I know my life would have gone in a totally different direction and I would not have the wonderful things I do now."
Kasi, Alumni Student
The Present
Where are you now?
New Haven literally saved my life in every way. While I always hoped I would have the family and marriage I have today, I didn't think it was possible for me, or that I deserved it. Had I not gone to New Haven, I know my life would have gone in a totally different direction and I would not have the wonderful things I do now. I am forever grateful for people who cared for me like a daughter and saw in me what I couldn't see in myself.
I am currently working as a school-based mental health therapist as well as an adjunct instructor in the Behavioral Science Department at a major University. I have been married for 18 years, and we have four children, three boys and a girl, ages 12-17.

"New Haven literally saved my life in every way... I am forever grateful for people who cared for me like a daughter."
Kasi, Alumni Student
How would you describe your family relationships now?
My family is great now, especially compared to where they were. We all meet for dinner every Sunday and talk frequently. There are still some lingering resentments from that time, but overall we are really doing well.
The Past
What part of New Haven was most helpful?
The staff and therapists made a huge difference to me just by providing me with unconditional love and support. For the first time in years, I felt worth something. Including my family was also critical. Without the whole family system changing, we would never have succeeded.
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