Alumni Parent – Peter’s Story
NH really is focused on helping the girls find out how to help themselves” or as our daughter wrote, “to find the right balance of the old me and the new me.
Learn how New Haven’s treatment program has facilitated healing for students and their families.
NH really is focused on helping the girls find out how to help themselves” or as our daughter wrote, “to find the right balance of the old me and the new me.
My life has drastically changed since New Haven. I went to college at 17 and played college soccer and had to readjust to “normal” life.
New Haven was instrumental in working with me to become the daughter, sister, friend, and person I am today. Thank you to everyone at New Haven, you do incredible things!
Everything we went through as a family… we all fought this battle together and though we didn’t make it through unscathed, we came out victorious.
New Haven helped me so much, and I love being able to give the gift back!
The experience I had at New Haven gave me a glimpse that life could and would get better.
The people (were the best part of the program) for sure! … They pushed me and they LOVED me
New Haven gave me a fresh start at life and with that fresh start, I was able to accomplish more than I could have ever imagined.
New Haven provided a safe place for me to be while in transition from recovering from anorexia. I am grateful for my experience as I learned a lot about myself. Thank you New Haven!
When I look back and consider the extraordinary opportunities, I had at New Haven to be challenged physically, mentally, and (of course) emotionally, I find myself wanting to go back. Every outdoor adventure, therapeutic intervention, parents weekend dance performance, ride in the oversized white van, -each of those experiences helped shape my 14 year old self with a fresh belief that life should be fun, exciting, silly, and safe. I currently live on my own back in my hometown, finishing up my undergraduate degree in behavioral neuroscience and will hopefully start working in a research lab for a year or two before applying to PhD programs. I have been living independently for the past four years, and have maintained a part-time job babysitting for families
I am currently living in Cape Town, South Africa working for a US startup company, and have been married for 3 years. I have a really strong relationship with my parents and feel overall pretty stable and competent emotionally and functionally. I still struggle on and off with depression at times but I have a good support system between my parents and husband and close friends and use a low dose of antidepressants to manage those phases when they occur.
Our daughter is a sophomore at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, VA. She is a math / computer science major. She is active in the recovery community as well as enjoying nature, cooking, and family. Our family is doing well and enjoys celebrating family milestones together, holidays, and birthdays. We are supportive of each other and respect each other’s ideas and boundaries.
My daughter just graduated from College with a degree in Public Health. She is working at New Haven as staff currently. She went to Cape Town South Africa on an internship last summer. She has done amazing and we could not be more proud of the adult she has become.
Our daughter completed high school at home, college, living and is now working independently in New York City in a small public relations firm.
Our daughter is an amazing first grade teacher. She is married and has triplet boys that are now four years old. Her special gift is working with children because she really understands their struggles having experienced some of those same struggles herself.
When I first came to New Haven my mother and I couldn’t stand to be in the same room as each other. We still get on each other’s nerves from time to time, don’t get me wrong, but we talk often and visit each other regularly. She is my biggest support and I know I can call her if I need anything at all.
I have a great relationship with my parents currently. They are extremely supportive of my goals and dreams. They have been instrumental in pursuing my career in fitness. They go out of their way to assist me when I ask for help. We enjoy spending time together. I visit often.
Making such a big turnaround in my life did not happen overnight but was an accumulation of many small steps that I took, starting from the work I did at New Haven. Through the many challenges and the triumphs along the way, I never stopped growing—each chapter led me one step closer to finding that wellspring of meaning in my life.
I still get depressed, hopeless, and anxious sometimes. Some days it’s difficult just to get out of bed let alone go to work. But when I sink into that place, I don’t feel lost there. New Haven helped me map out my escape route.
I am currently living with my boyfriend of two years. New Haven taught me what a healthy relationship is, and for that I will be forever grateful. He truly feels like my partner in crime. We both love spending time together and we also have our own hobbies and are strong when we are apart too. Currently I work as a Software Developer in a finance technology company. I’ve been working here for almost three years and am excited to see what the future brings in all aspects of my life!
I currently live on my own back in my hometown, finishing up my undergraduate degree in behavioral neuroscience and will hopefully start working in a research lab for a year or two before applying to PhD programs.
I am so happy with the life I am living now! I started college shortly after transitioning home, and graduated with a degree in psychology in 2014. I went on to study medicine and just graduated from medical school this year. I will be moving into my first place and starting a new job as a doctor in June! In terms of relationships, our family has never been in a better place. We all have rewarding and healthy relationships with each other.. I have learned that I am way happier when I am in a healthy relationship, not one built on chaos. In my free time, I love running, and make it a priority to incorporate exercise in some form every day.
It has been just over 11 years since I left New Haven. In the time since I left, I moved out on my own, graduated from college with my Bachelor of Child and Youth Care (BCYC) in 2017, and completed my Master of Arts in Critical Disability Studies in 2019. I got a job as a job coach in November 2018 working with high school students who have disabilities; after that program ended I was re-hired with the same organization and have been working as a facilitator in a youth pre-employment program. My relationship with my mom has never been better and I am grateful to New Haven for setting the foundation to allow me to reach this point in my life.
I am currently living in Cape Town, South Africa working for a US startup company, and have been married for 3 years. I have a really strong relationship with my parents and feel overall pretty stable and competent emotionally and functionally.
New haven did not by any means solve all of my problems. I didn’t leave a perfect child, but I did leave more open to the process of investigating myself. It saved my life. I graduated with my degree in Recreation therapy (Inspired by NH) and am now a licensed recreation therapist in the state of Utah- I am currently working at a prominent mental health hospital. I also opened my own business last year.
After receiving a BA in Psychology, I am currently working on my Masters in Art Therapy. I also got married in September.
I graduated from college in 2013 with a degree in psychology. During my time in college I went on a 2.5 month service trip to Africa. This would have been impossible before New Haven. Shortly after graduating college I rediscovered my passion for fitness (which was reignited at New Haven). For the past several years I have worked my way up at the local gym I was a member of to coach, and now manager of the gym. I am definitely in what I consider my dream career.
I went back to my former high school and finished my senior year. From there, I went to Drake University, and transferred to Loyola Academy Chicago where I got my teaching degree. In my 20’s, I traveled as much as I could. Through the US and beyond. In 2014, I married the love of my life. In 2015, we found out that I was pregnant with triplets. Everyday is a blessing, but that does not mean it is easy. I have my meltdowns and tears. HOWEVER, I thank New Haven for teaching how to manage all these strong feelings. How to accept what I can’t control. How to accept my ups and downs. New Haven taught me how to cope with the best and the worst.