“New Haven was instrumental in working with me to become the daughter, sister, friend, and person I am today. Thank you to everyone at New Haven, you do incredible things!”
Megan, Alumni Student
The Present
Where are you now?
I am so happy with the life I am living now! I started college shortly after transitioning home, and graduated with a degree in psychology in 2014. I went on to study medicine and just graduated from medical school this year. I am now moving into my first place and starting my job as a doctor!
In terms of relationships, our family has never been in a better place. We all have rewarding and healthy relationships with each other. My friendships have also become much more stable since transitioning home, and I am still extremely close with a lot of the friendships I developed in high school and college, as well as the new friendships I have been lucky to build since starting medical school.
I have learned a ton about healthy dating and romantic relationships, and since returning home, have sought out partners who treat me with love and respect. I have learned that I am way happier when I am in a healthy relationship, not one built on chaos.

"I think back on my time at New Haven with lots of different emotions, but the primary feeling is gratitude. I am so proud of the woman I have become.."
Megan, Alumni Student
In my free time, I love running, and make it a priority to incorporate exercise in some form every day. I was strongly #teamnoexercise before New Haven, but while I was there, I found that PE and outdoor walks helped my anxiety feel manageable. I have continued to make daily movement a habit and it's probably the best thing I continue to do for my mental health. Lastly, I used to love traveling and seeing new places, and after returning home, that spark was re-ignited. I'm planning my first trip to Asia next year and I could not be more excited!

The Past
What part of New Haven was most helpful?
New Haven was a huge pivot point in my life in many ways, but if I had to pick one thing that has been most impactful, it would have to be the family therapy and work my family and I did together. My relationships were so chaotic, and New Haven allowed my parents and I to develop ways to work through conflict which maintained respect and compassion, but still allowed us to share our frustrations and hurt. We continue to use these communication strategies to this day and I have been able to apply those same changes to friendships, professional relationships, romantic relationships - so many different areas of my life.
My family relationships are so fulfilling! We have solid connections, and we always treat each other with a foundation of love and respect. I truly consider them to be my best friends and we know that we can rely on each other for healthy support. We all share in our successes and hardships, but we also aren't afraid to tell each other when someone is lapsing into bad habits or making decisions we don't think are best for each other. Ultimately, we get along very well and are extremely close.
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