As a torch is lit, we can recognize the warmth and safety that the light provides. During our family legacy ceremony in Moab, the torch is lit and each family takes their turn sharing one of the legacies or values that they would like to pass along to their daughter. As this is shared, a token to symbolize the tradition is given, and the family takes the torch that has been lit, and light their own. Soon the group is surrounded by a ring of fire, or light, to show the connection that is created through the generations and community.
One family shared their legacy of Adventure. As a mother and step-father shared why this value is important, they tied it to photography. They value the opportunity for adventures and then record the event through their photography, together as one. As a token, they gave their daughter a 1940’s camera that had been passed down from her grandfather, symbolizing the previous generations and their tie to today. A bridge between relationships was established as she hugged her step-father for the first time. She recognized the connection that he had to her and the family that was now his too.
Another family shared a box of 31 distinct letters, one for each day of the month, with their daughter. The legacy of Purpose was shared, as each member of the family had found their purpose in life and how that gave them meaning each day. They wanted her to feel daily support and love as she struggled to find her own purpose and a path to move ahead.
Family values and traditions give each family a distinct identity. They provide a sense of community and connect families throughout generations. Traditions cultivate a sense of belonging and security and help to keep families grounded. They give families events and rituals to look forward to each year. Traditions foster security and instill a sense of belonging within a family. Celebrating and recognizing these unique legacies has become a part of our trip to Moab, Utah each year with our families and their daughters.
What is a legacy for your family? Take some time this holiday season to recognize and share this value and its importance with those you love.