Holiday Stress Relief Tips


Enjoy Your Holiday Amid the Difficulties

The holidays can be a wonderful time to spend with friends and loved ones, but it can also be a stressful and difficult time.  Our therapists have put together some advice to help you navigate through the difficulties.

1 – Make a Gratitude list.  Recognizing your blessings is the opposite of hopelessness and despair

2 – Pull out old Christmas photos and/or videos and remember the wonderful holidays of the past and the sweet innocence of one’s child.

3 – Watch “It’s a Wonderful Life”

4 – Do anonymous service to others in your life that are far less fortunate in their circumstances

5 – Work at a soup kitchen, visit an elderly care center, or drive around giving out gift cards to those less fortunate

6 – Stop, breathe, and inhale the beauty of nature around you

7 – Have a deep meaningful conversation with a loved one over eggnog

8 – Watch a funny holiday movie

9 – Take breaks!  Plan on time for quiet and relaxation!

10 – Let go of how the holidays are “supposed” to be and then embrace and enjoy what they are right now.

11 – Have structure but be flexible. Get outside yourself, focus on others. Soak in the small moments.

12- Have reasonable expectations for family members and self. Set a goal for yourself to work on, not what others need to do for you to be happy.